Category: General

Are you looking for a Vacuum Coating Company?

Are you looking for a Vacuum Coating Company?

Are you looking for a Vacuum Coating Company? Are you searching for a reliable vacuum coating company to meet your high-quality standards? Look no further than ITO Coatings, where we operate state-of-the-art vacuum coating plants designed and built to our own specifications. Our award winning expertise lies in the deposition of ITO on plastic and […]

Is Glass Conductive?

Is Glass Conductive?

Is Glass Conductive? No, glass is not conductive. Well, this is awkward and makes for a pretty boring blog – but hold on… Glass can become conductive. (Yay, back on track) Although glass is not conductive, there is a method to make the glass surface conductive. This is achieved by using a Transparent Conductive Oxide […]

Why do you need Indium Tin Oxide Coated Glass Slides?

Why do you need Indium Tin Oxide Coated Glass Slides?

Why do you need Indium Tin Oxide Coated Glass Slides? Indium Tin Oxide coated glass slides are gaining a lot of interest and popularity among the scientific communities, but why? Why do you need Indium Tin Oxide coated glass slides? Simply put, Indium Tin Oxide coated glass slides as a substrate for cell culture allows […]

Anti Reflective Coated Glass

Anti Reflective Coated Glass

Anti Reflective Coated Glass As well as our award-winning ITO coatings on glass, we can provide anti reflective coated glass to suit a variety of applications. Anything that requires maximum transparency and unimpaired vision through the glass will benefit from our anti reflective coating service. Anti Reflective Coated Glass Applications In short, there are many […]