
What is Electrically Conductive Glass used for?

What is Electrically Conductive Glass used for?

What is Electrically Conductive Glass used for? Electrically conductive glass has reshaped our interaction with electronic displays and touch-sensitive devices, in most cases using ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) coatings – a transparent, conductive layer empowering glass to convey electrical currents while preserving optical clarity. As you can imagine, here at ITO Coatings we offer a […]

What Is An Electrically Conductive Coating Used For?

What Is An Electrically Conductive Coating Used For?

What Is An Electrically Conductive Coating Used For? An electrically conductive coating is exactly that – a coating that is capable of passing an electric current across its surface. Electric conductive coatings are used in a variety of different ways and more common than you might have thought. One such coating uses ITO (Indium Tin […]